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Paid Subscription

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ماجدة الموسى

About the company

➢ Telework Program The program is one of the important national initiatives launched by the Ministry of Labor (MOL), aims to bridge the gap between employers and researchers. It provides real solutions for Saudization , resettlement and expansion of companies and institutions and providing the best working environment for Saudi employees to work from home using the means of communication and information technology. With full points in Saudization and settlement ratios. ➢ What do we offer through “Mubbsher” platform. • Mubbsher is a telework service provider licensed by the Ministry of Labor, specializing in telecommuting, productivity control. • Mubbsher Technology provides advanced technical platform for telecommuting, technical support and training that provides telecommuting opportunities for all Saudi citizens through the use of state-of-the-art ICT. ➢ Advantages and benefits of teleworking subscription • Reduce operating and employment costs for companies and institutions. • Supporting the localization of businesses and achieving the requirements of Saudization and raising the scope of companies . • Creating a safe and comfortable working environment, which is reflected in increasing employee productivity . • Open new horizons for women's work within the Saudi labor market. ➢ Measuring labor productivity and time control Mubbsher platform is an electronic platform that connects business owners to remote employees through an advanced program approved by the Ministry of Labor to manage projects, measure productivity and manage time, helping companies and organizations to makethe most of the employees and facilitate the management and organization of work through periodic reports provided by the program For the user. ➢ platform features • Extracting attendance and departure reports for registered employees remotely . • The possibility of determining the working hours and the start and end date for each task . • Ability to determine the percentage of completion of each task recorded on the system . • Employee remote evaluation and measurement of productivity . • Extract performance reports for company, departments and employees • The possibility of establishing and assigning tasks directly to any employee registered in the program remotely

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