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The best essential nutritional supplement

The best essential nutritional supplement

The best essential nutritional supplement

Essential Nutritional Supplements Vitamins, like minerals, are substances that are found in small amounts in our food and drink. Vitamins are indispensable for good health, normal growth and development, but vitamins do not provide energy. Our human body cannot make vitamins by itself, except for vitamin D, but this is sufficient for everyone and in all circumstances.

Vitamins are present in our diet, such as fruits, vegetables, meat and bread. By eating healthy food daily, one usually gets enough vitamins, and in some cases it is nevertheless necessary to supplement the deficiency by taking a supplement.

What are metals?

Minerals, like vitamins, are substances that are found in small amounts in our food and drink. Among other things, minerals are needed when controlling enzymes and hormones.

Minerals are essential for the growth, recovery and proper functioning of our bodies, our body also cannot produce minerals, so a healthy diet is of great importance. For people who are losing weight or taking long-term medications, it may be advisable to take mineral supplements.

The importance of nutritional supplements

Vitamins and minerals are essential to your health. You won't always immediately notice the effect of taking vitamins and minerals, but your body can't live without them. To get the right dose of vitamins and minerals that help keep your body healthy and fit, it may be important to take a multivitamin supplement every day. A large part of the world's population does not get enough vitamins and minerals from food. This is the conclusion of many scientific research projects around the world. There are two main reasons for this:

The average person does not achieve the recommended amount of vegetables, fruits, and fish.

In many cases, the diet contains an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.

Dietary supplements are intended to enrich a healthy diet. A dietary supplement is a concentrated source of certain vitamins or minerals. The nutrients in the supplement have a modified form, different from what occurs in nature, and your body can absorb them better and faster this way.

A varied diet is the most important

In principle, under normal circumstances, you do not need nutritional supplements to stay healthy. Eating a normal, healthy diet with plenty of whole grain products, vegetables, fruits, dairy, healthy fats, and plenty of variety is enough to get the right amounts of all nutrients. But for some people, a dietary supplement is recommended as a supplement to a daily healthy diet.

Therefore, the presence of necessary nutritional supplements is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Additional vitamins and minerals in dietary supplement form are recommended as a supplement to a daily healthy diet, among others, for the following groups of people: the elderly, pregnant women, and people who have had a modified digestive system due to surgery or bariatric surgery (or weight-loss surgery)

Can an overdose of vitamins be harmful?

Supplements are completely safe, and the quantities are usually not so high that you get a harmful dose, if you get too much, in most cases you can simply urinate again.

Evidence has been found that excess amounts of vitamins A, B5, B6, B13, C and D can lead to certain symptoms, but this is very rare, and it is more common to find a deficiency in these vitamins rather than an excess. Elan Compass and Believe products contain vitamins B5, B6, C, and D in a well-researched dose so you don't have to fear an overdose from supplements.

Micronutrients play an important role in the body

Vitamins and minerals are often called micronutrients because your body only needs trace amounts of them.

 However, failure to obtain such small amounts almost guarantees disease. Here are some examples of diseases that can result from vitamin deficiency:

Blindness In some developing countries, people still go blind due to a lack of vitamin A.

Rickets Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets, a condition characterized by weak, weak bones that can lead to skeletal deformities such as bowed legs, in part to combat rickets, the United States has been fortifying milk with vitamin D since the 1930s.

Just as deficiencies in key micronutrients can cause significant harm to your body, getting adequate amounts can provide a huge benefit. Some examples of these benefits:


Strong Bones A combination of Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium and Phosphorous protects bones from fractures.

Prevents Birth Defects Taking folic acid supplements early in pregnancy helps prevent birth defects of the brain and spine in the offspring.

Reasons for needing nutritional supplements

Bridging the nutritional gap

90% of people do not get the recommended amount of important nutrients from food alone. Most of us fail to meet dietary recommendations due to a strict diet, poor appetite, or changing nutritional needs.

Dietary supplements aim to fill this nutritional gap, so that we maintain an appropriate balance of nutrients from food and supplements.

 This will boost the nutrient density of your diet and ensure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients tailored to your nutritional needs.

The absorption of nutrients decreases with age

As you age, malabsorption becomes a problem because your body does not have the same ability to break down and absorb nutrients as it used to.

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